Thursday, March 15, 2018

Unique the Best Tips for Gardening

Summer is coming again! So Well! Time to sit back, relax and have a look at all those weeds in your garden! Now you will have some useful tips to have a charmingful garden all season long in this article.




With summer comes the high humidity, which causes fungus to grow. To prevent the fungus from growing, water your plants in the morning, but never at night. If you water during the morning, the heat during the day will evaporate the water and leave less moisture for the fungus. Just as important, don't water during the middle of the day. The water droplets will magnify the intensity of the sun, which will cause your beautiful plants to burn.


Pruning and Trimming

Remember to prune and trim shrubs, bushes and trees to help keep your landscaping looking tidy and neat. Unless your shrubs are a dwarf variety, they will grow very quickly and will soon take over. Pruning only needs to be done once a year, in late spring or early summer. Don't worry about making a mistake when pruning - they'll grow back.



Deadhead your flowers throughout the season. Deadheading is the process of removing the dried up blooms from your flowers. Not only will your flowers look better, but it will also encourage new blossoms. If dried up blooms remain, the flower will spend its energy producing seeds instead of new flowers.


Buying Plants

When choosing plants from a nursery or a garden centre, don't choose the plants that are in full bloom. Choose plants that have a lot of buds growing on them, as it is easier for these plants to withstand the shock of being transplanted. Plus, you get the pleasure of seeing them grow and bloom soon after you bring them home. Once you have finished transplanting, water, water and water some more. Newly transplanted flowers and other plants need lots of water to establish a healthy root system.

Going Away

If you are planning to go away on vacation, even for a few days, ask a neighbour to water your garden for you. If you need to, add some mulch around the base of the plants in order to retain much needed moisture. As a way of thanks, bring your neighbour back a small gift, such as a notepad or candles. Wrap it in a large ribbon with a handwritten tag that says "Thank you!" in big letters. Presentation counts!



Use wooden or decorative plastic stakes to help support plants with large, heavy flowers. With your support, the plants will grow tall and straight, which will make them look even more beautiful. Also, use trellises or another similar support system for climbing vines. As the vines grow, wind them through the trellis in order to control the direction the plant is growing in.


Encourage Wildlife

Encourage birds and other wildlife that you love to watch to come and visit you and your garden. Hang up bird feeders and bird houses in your yard. The bird feeder should be in a spot where you can easily see it, where it is easy to fill and most importantly, easy to clean up the empty bird seed shells. For other wildlife, provide them shelter, such as trees and shrubs, for protection from the elements.



The most important part of a garden is enjoying it. So, sit back in a comfy chair, take a good look around and be proud of what you have accomplished.


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