Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Unique Designing the Perfect Deck for Your Home

Adding a deck to your house is a great way to improve the overall value and aesthetic quality of your home. It is the ideal spot for cookouts, parties or relaxing with your family. If you're considering adding a deck to your home, you'll need to take into account some design factors to ensure your deck is appropriate for your needs and compliments the rest of your house.

The first thing you need to do when planning deck construction is check your local building ordinances and zoning codes. You may need to obtain a building permit before any construction takes place. You'll need to make certain that your deck is the proper height and size. You will also need to take into account how far your deck extends from your house and how close it comes to your neighbor's property. If you live in a subdivision, check with the neighborhood committee for regulations and receive approval.

After completing the necessary legal steps, it's time to choose a design and start building. When choosing a deck design, be sure to include elements that will be beneficial to your family's lifestyle and are appropriate for your needs. Think about how you intend to use your deck before you start drawing up plans. Take the direction of the sun when planning your design - you may not want to build a deck in an area that is shaded from the sun or has many hours of direct sunlight. Decks that are positioned on the North side of a house will usually be cooler in the summer months, while southern or western facing decks may be too hot because of the many hours of direct sunlight.

Build a deck that will allow you to carry out all the activities that you intend to do outdoors. If you regularly have guests over, think about the number of people you normally entertain. You'll want to design a deck that can comfortably fit a group of friends.

Another thing to consider is seating. Some deck designs feature built-in benches and even built-in tables. These features may come in handy if you plan to regularly dine on your deck. Some people prefer to have patio furniture that can be easily moved around or removed for more deck space.

Lighting is important when designing a deck. Often times, you'll use your deck in the evening. You'll want to provide adequate lighting. Consider your options - do you need one large light to cover the area or would you prefer smaller lights placed around the deck?

Adding a deck to your home will give your family a great spot to enjoy the outdoors. Consider all of your building options and choose a deck design that can meet your family's needs with comfort and style.

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