Thursday, April 12, 2018

Unique Things to Look for when Purchasing a Porch Swing

Porch swings are very iconic and can be a great starting point for any outdoor furniture collection. They can be the starting point for any theme you wish to have on your deck or outdoor living area and can be accessorized with colored or patterned cushions or blankets. Depending on your size, style, and material preference, there are a few ways things to look for before purchasing a porch swing.

The size of your desired porch swing is the first thing to look for before making a purchase. You will need an area large enough for the length of the seat and height of the chair when hung a few feet off the ground. The range of motion of the swing is also important because you will need to avoid areas where the swing will hit walls or other areas to avoid damaging the swing or injuring individuals.

Size is also a consideration because you will need to accommodate everyone who will be using it. Porch swings can come in sizes from individual seats to loveseats to even couch length to hold up to four people. The size goes directly hand-in-hand with the amount of weight your porch swing will be able to hold because you will need to not only pick a porch swing made of a durable material but you will also need to make sure it is hung from an area which will support it. Sturdy areas to hang a porch swing include the roof of a deck or porch, a sturdy tree branch, or an a-frame base.

The accessories included with the porch swing are also important to consider because these can contribute to the success of your porch swing. A-frame bases are an important accessory to consider because they may not come with the swing of your choice but may be sold separately. A-frames are sturdy surfaces which will hold your chains and swing and will also be beneficial because they allow you to move the porch swing to different areas of the deck or yard. Taking specific measurements of the a-frame is important because they must fit the swing perfectly and they are wide and will require a large area for placement.

Cushions are also accessories to keep in mind when purchasing a porch swing because many porch swings are not very comfortable without them. Swings which are made of wood, wicker, or wrought iron will most likely need cushions or padding for added comfort and wicker and wrought iron are especially uncomfortable when you sit directly on them. Cushions are also a great way to match your porch swing with the rest of your outdoor furniture because there are many colors and styles of cushions available.

Before purchasing any accessories or add-ons for your swing, you will need to be sure these items will last outdoors. A-frames should be protected accordingly depending on what material they are made of to be sure they do not crack or rot due to exposure to rain or sunlight. Cushions should be purchased to resist mold and mildew and also be fade-resistant under the sun.

Chains and hooks are especially important for your porch swing because they should be sturdy and resist rust as damage will cause your chains to become weak. For the safety of your family, chains should be checked each season. Covering chains with rubber tubing is an effective way to keep them safe and long-lasting.

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