Saturday, July 7, 2018

Beautiful How to Choose and Plan for Koi Pond Plants

To create a lush water garden design that enhances your beautiful fish you will want to choose a variety of Koi pond plants so that you have a balanced look and ecosystem. There are several types of plants you can include.

The first type are SUBMERGED PLANTS like Anacharis and Cabomba. These are planted underwater in the gravel or soil and they will help to oxygenate your pond. They do this by pulling carbon dioxide from the water and releasing oxygen as part of the photosynthesis process.

Another type are the FLOATING PLANTS. Many of these plants provide your garden with lovely flowers. The root systems that drift below the surface actually act like a filtration device, which is why some sanitation plants use Water Hyacinth as part of their purification process. Plants such as the Water Hyacinth and Water Lettuce also may serve as camouflage for your pond filter or other pond equipment.

MARGINAL PLANTS like Cattails and Irises do best in the shallow water or wet soil around the edge of your Koi pond. They grow up above the water. Marginal Koi pond plants make an ideal way to transition from pond to the surrounding area in a gradual way.

The final type of pond plants are FLOWERING WATER LILIES. They are the essence of any water garden or Koi pond. They are similar to marginal plants in that their roots grow underwater, while the leaves and flowers emerge above the surface. Lilies will spread across your pond surface. They aid in providing shade and shelter as well as aesthetic appeal.

The following are some of the items that are necessary for planting and tending to your Koi pond plants:

~Planting Baskets These baskets will contain and anchor your plants on submerged shelves. You can also use floating island planters to create one-of-a-kind floating arrangements.

~Aquatic Planting Media boosts the ability of root systems to gain a firm foothold and get well established for the growing season.

~Aquatic Fertilizers are used to promote blooms, lush foliage, and strong roots in aquatic plants.

~Pruning Tools give you the extra reach to trim and sculpt plants for a well-manicured Koi water garden.

The above suggestions include the basics that will give you a good start on planting and maintaining beautiful and healthy Koi pond plants.

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