Friday, May 18, 2018

Elegant Halloween Costume Ideas

Everyone is searching for inexpensive but cool Halloween costume ideas. I have suggested two costume ideas below. You can make these at home with simple supplies. Have a great Halloween.

Scary Bony Hands:

What you need?

Sticks about 1/2 inches to 1/4 inches wide, having some knobs and irregularities

A pair of cheap black knit gloves.

White acrylic paint


A low-temp hot glue gun and glue sticks

Get a few sticks with a bony look. Divide them in lengths just like the bones in your hands. Take at least eight sticks about 3 inches long, ten about 2 inches long for the fingertips, and twelve sticks about 1 inch long. Sticks used for the fingertips are made extra long to give a scary look. Take approx measurements. Pour about one part white paint for about four parts water in a disposable container. Mix well. Dip the bones and stir. Once they are covered fully, take them out and put them to dry. Roll the bones after some time to let them dry on the other side.

After the bones get dry, hot glue the eight longest sticks to the back of each glove so that each stick lies over a real bone on the back of the hand. Hot glue in place. Take two 2" bones for the lowest thumb part and glue in place. Complete the thumbs by sticking two 1" bones on each joint in the thumbs. Take 1" sticks to hot glue to the lowest part of the glove fingers where the fingers join together. Lastly take 2" lengths for the fingertips. These last eight pieces you should only hot glue to the middle section of the fingers. This allows the person wearing the gloves to bend their fingers and get the fingertips out of the way. Your gloves are ready.

Movie Popcorn Box:

You need a large box in the shape of the popcorn box you find in movie theatres. It should cover your face completely and be comfortable while wearing. Take the box, wear it over your head. Cut holes in front of the eyes so that you can see properly.  Cut a hole in front of your nose. Paint and model the box just like the popcorn boxes you get in theatres. Team this headwear with any scary movie poster you can wrap around your body. Your costume is ready. Team it up with the scary bony hands above.

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