Monday, May 28, 2018

Elegant Without Underarm Whitening Cream Mama's Pits Looked Hideous

Mama was a beautiful woman with olive skin, but she could have used some good underarm whitening cream. Apparently some people have dark pigment in their pits and Mama was one of them.

She loved going sleeveless and every time she raised her arms in front of people I died a thousand deaths. She looked like she had hairy armpits and I would see people exchanging horrified looks. My girlfriends would giggle and it would make me so hurt and mad.

Mama took such good care of herself. Of course she didn't walk around with hairy pits like people thought. It was a discoloration. The darker pigment in that area looked like hair. If we hadn't lived in the South maybe she would have worn tops with sleeves, but it was hot and she wanted to be comfortable.

She tried different brands of underarm whitening creams, always with bad results. But pits turn out to be a very sensitive area and each product she bought was too harsh. Once in a while when we'd go shopping she would see something new to try, but the story always had a disappointing result.

She would break out in rashes. Once she had such irritation she couldn't raise her arms for a week. When her lymph nodes became swollen and painful she had to undergo a series of tests. It turned out the product contained chemicals that were so harsh it was inhuman.

They found at least three chemicals that were most likely responsible for her discomfort. There were Parabens, used as a preservative in skincare products so they can last for months on end on store shelves. Parabens make products last a lot longer than natural products and still appear fresh. They cause allergic reactions and skin rashes, just what Mama was having. They can even cause cancer!

They also found DEA (diethanolamine), supposedly used to adjust the pH balance. Instead it caused a bad
allergic reaction that could have killed her!

Then there were Alcohols, too, which irritate the skin and make it dry as a bone. Alcohols stripped the protective acid from Mama's skin and allowed bacteria to get in. Turns out alcohols can even cause brown spots, just what Mama wanted to get rid of.

Once they got Mama stabilized the doctor told her to stop fooling around with her pits. He warned her about making her lymph nodes angry. He said messing with your lymph nodes is asking or trouble. So, no more underarm whitening cream for Mama.

Until the day I accidentally stumbled over the answer. I was at my friend's house and we were rummaging through her mother's bathroom cabinet looking for nail polish. There were lots of cosmetics in there and my girlfriend held one up saying it was her mother's favorite. She used it on her age spots.

I asked if it worked and when she said yes, you'd better believe that my ears perked up. I quickly looked at the ingredients and it had no chemicals. And no bleach. Maybe it would make a good underarm
whitening cream.

It was made from Extrapone Nutgrass Root Extract and it was all natural and couldn't harm you. My friend said her mother kept extras and she let me take one home for Mama to try.

The rest is history. Now Mama only buys underarm whitening cream with Extrapone Nutgrass Root Extract. It never caused her one moment of discomfort. It lightened the dark pigment to match the rest of her. And it made the skin so soft and fine. Better than before. Mama can lift her arms up all she likes now. Her pits are beautiful.

Please visit my website to learn more.

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