Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Best of Five Tips for Garden Pond Success

If you're ready to build your own garden pond, there are some important things you need to know before you begin. Just follow these five tips for having fun with building your own garden pond.

1. An important factor when you start to build your pond is making sure that you know exactly what you want it to be. The reason why this is important is because you have to decide between at least 4 main categories of designs to choose from e.g. a fish pond, a pond-less waterfall, a water fountain and a water garden. If you don't decide on what you want, then you run the risk of ending up with a garden pond that is different from what you exactly wanted it to be.

2. Another important consideration for building a garden pond is it's location in your yard. You should take the following factors into consideration when deciding on the location of your garden pond:

- Build your pond where you can easily see and enjoy it.
- Your pond should get enough sunlight.
- Make sure that rain runoff will not affect your pond.
- Build your pond away from trees and other plants to avoid dry leaves that can damage your pond.
- If you are going to add additional water features and lights it will be wise to build your pond close to sources of water and power. It's critical that you consider the above factors when deciding on the location of your pond as you will be able to avoid a lot of future headaches.If you make sure that you adhere to tip number 2, you'll be fine.

3. Now that you know what your pond should look like, where it will be built and how much it will cost, it is time to go over to action. The next step will be to start digging the hole. Remember that you will need a hole whether you chose flexible liner or a rigid preformed shell. All you need to do from here is to build your pond, and make sure that you follow the instructions on how to build a garden pond. This is a proses on its own which can't be covered here because of limited space.

4. Instead of complicating your garden pond building efforts by following your own techniques and methods, it is in your best interest that I advice you to follow the professional instructions obtainable from your local pet shop when using flexible liner. There are hundreds of low cost books, videos and dvd's available in the market if you can't get instructions from your pet shop.

5. The last tip is the preparation to populate your pond with pond plants, frogs and fish. Before putting any plants or fish in your new garden pond you will have to remember that tap water is high in chlorine which could harm your pond life. A useful tip is to mix a bucketful of water from an established pond with your pond water and wait for about one week for the chlorine to evaporate. Ponds need a balance to keep the water clear and the only way to achieve this is to add pond plants to your pond.

So if you really want to build your beautiful garden pond, follow these tips to please your family with an attractive garden pond. Enjoy!

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